Six Misconceptions About Granite Countertops that You Should Not Believe

If you are planning to install new kitchen countertops, you may want to invest in granite countertops. These countertops are attractive, durable, versatile, and functional. However, some misconceptions about them exist, particularly customised granite countertops. Thus, before these misconceptions discourage you from getting these countertops, let us debunk them. 

A lot of people think that Granite au Sommet countertops require regular maintenance or tend to get broken easily. The following are some myths about these countertops that you should not believe:

Heat Can Damage Granite Countertops

Granite has a melting point of over 1000 degrees Celsius. Thus, they won’t get damaged by a very hot pan or spilled boiling water. Such a misconception may have occurred due to the sealants utilised on granite countertops. Some sealants may easily melt at low temperatures once they are repeatedly exposed to heat for a long time. Sometimes, this can lead to discolouration. Thus, it is imperative to use a high-quality sealant for your granite countertops.

They Can Scratch Easily

Granite has a rate of 6-8 under the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. Such an impressive hardness rate shows that granite is a tough material and a great option for countertops in kitchens.

They are Expensive

Countertops made from granite are available on the market at the same price ranges as other sophisticated materials. While granite costs around $50 to $200 per square foot, marble costs $75 to $250.

They Easily Lose their Glow

Softer countertop materials such as marble may lose their glow. However, granite countertops do not. In fact, granite can resist minuscule scratches, which means it does not darken over time. 

They Must Be Maintained Regularly

While customised granite countertops must be cleaned properly after use, this is the only thing you should do to maintain their look and functionality. As long as you clean them properly, they don’t require regular grouting. To ensure your countertops maintain their shape and glow, do not use harsh chemicals like bleach when cleaning them. Also, avoid using abrasive pads for cleaning granite countertops because they can damage the stone. Make sure to use only high-quality sealants that can resist moisture. 

All Providers of Granite Countertops are the Same

Granite countertops suppliers differ in a lot of ways. While some providers focus on detailing, others are only concerned about selling products in bulk. Also, you must consider mining when buying countertops. How successfully the granite is mined from the ground may make a difference to the final product. 

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